Tuesday 3 July 2018

 The take away from Robin Sharma's...

"without saying another word, Julian Mantle, the millionaire lawyer-turned enlightened monk, got up, embraced me like the brother he had never had and walked out of my living room into the thick heat of another scorching summer day. As i sat alone and collected my thoughts, I noticed that the only evidence i could find of this sage messenger's extraordinary visit sat silently on the coffee in front of me. It was his empty cup". 

It was time for my bed as usual. It was 1030pm.  Just about as I raised my eyes-balls, little as i could, I caught a night outside with air so warm and clear. I talked to myself like things I ordinarily wouldn't. I continued talking as if there are no audience but the glittering stars far overhead. A cool wind from my room-fan stirred my hair at that moment and I finally tried to close my eyes. But i felt as if the wind climbed down from the hills of Sivana, which had all rekindling promises and it abruptly printed a radiation of self discovery and total renunciation for momentarily may be. Well, I finished 'the monk who sold his Ferrari' that very night. I paused, and, a longing to my heart when I heard the sound of the fan rattling through the night kept reeling through my thoughts. I tried to pay attention and listened to it for long time without any reason, deep down this longing was definitely revealing its kernel, its meaning. I was so desperate about every existence that i could think of. We are all here, in this very moment of life, and it is not so much a matter of escaping from one's problems and sufferings, though it may seem to be so. But a monk from the book has the answers, simply as we are, our longings for home is very deep, our longings for love and affection are so potent, perhaps its a longing of a memory of the mother, for new beautiful metaphors for life. Every step is birth, every step is death, every grave is mother and the Ferrari you own or going to get one is just a toy of your desire.

All our life we try to be a good person. Many a times, however we fail. After all, we are only human. We aren't dogs. Because nothing in life ever stays in tune, sometimes people just grabbed at whatever there was; food, wealth, sex, travel, love, vegetarianism, drinking, hanging around and it all will eventually evaporate and fall apart. Its just like we have to find some things to do while waiting to die but we don't actually realise. The promising fact lies here is that we do have a choice and its nice. You should read, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill. And let me tell you. This lovely little book is not about making a lot of money, its about making a lot of life. What is the point in making a thousand grand and keeping all the money, hidden in your wallet? Always remember a bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog. When i say 'charity', i vaguely presume that your enlarged eye balls questioning a lot of questions. But my friend, all we need in this little community is love of a bond with shared vision of peace and little loaf of bread for everyone. Somehow I feel so sorry to intake this big world with bigger problems and I always always avoid being engulfed with its complexity because we can always always begin with a smaller mission, with a smaller thought and with fewer people. Wouldn't you be part of it? Because if you think of paradoxical commandments, we are all going nowhere. I, you, we and all of us are self-centered, illogical and unreasonable but we never stop loving anyway. May be, just may be the good you do today will be forgotten tomorrow but do good anyway.
Be kind to all kind. Its not necessary that you have to sell your ferrari and climb mountains to seek peace. 
I always believed in a random act of kindness each day! 

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